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MA4M3030 Datasheet, PDF

  • Manufacturer model: MA4M3030
  • Function description: MNS MW Chip
  • Manufacturer: MACOM
  • Data sheet: -
  • Category: Uncategorized

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  • Description The 4M series of MNS (metal-nitride-silicon) chip capacitors is designed specifically for high reliability and repeatable performance in microwave circuit applications. These capacitors are made using a low pressure chemical vapor deposition (LPCVD) that results in dense, uniform nitride layers. These devices exhibit higher capacitance per unit area (resulting in smaller chip size) and improved ruggedness over similar MOS, MIS and ceramic capacitors. Evaporated gold contacts are used to provide an easily bondable metal pad on the capacitor chip. MACOM's MNS capacitors have shown no measurable capacitance change when subjected to the rated standoff voltage at 150 Degrees C. The MA4M series of chip capacitors is an excellent choice for use in hybrid microwave circuits up through Ku-band, where low loss, high reliability, small size and temperature stability are prime concerns.
  • Part No. MA4M3030
  • Manufacturer MACOM

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